30days_review_algorithm sep 18 binary searchq33 q74 q69 complete tree and balanced tree:former is balanced but not complete. balanced should in the whole tree not each subtree sep 19 binary search*q287 q240 q275 q378 q387 2023-09-17
CS5010-notes week 1lecture getters and setters: 1234public class Hashtable extends Dictionary<> implements Map<>public class HashMap extends AbstractMap<> implements Map<> multi-threade 2023-09-12
CS5800 notes week 11.1 linear/chunk/binear search这三种方法都是有序查找使用的 chunk分割成一堆block,每一个block都是一个linear Chunk的复杂度 $O(\frac{n}{c} + c)$,把所有的循环都走一边,再走一遍步长。 让$O(\frac{n}{c} + c)$尽可能的小,也就是$\frac{n}{c}$ =&#x 2023-09-11
my journey of UE5 Chapter 1 setupcollaborate with others: LFSThe feature for collaboration I prefer most in UE5 is multi-user editing. It’s similar to Minecraft in that everyone involved can see changes being made i 2023-09-10
IOT last danceSA定义了key management , security protocols(AH,ESP), security policies(type of encryption and authentication to be used), direction of traffic(one-direction , inbound and outbound 都需要). SA one- 2023-05-14
Cyber_security PGPdigital signaturessender 用一个cryptographic function(比如SHA-256)来计算发送信息的hash(digest),这个hash表示的message是独一无二的,定长的。再使用sender自己的private key使用 asymmetric algorithm (比如RSA/DSA)对这个hash进行签名, recipient 再用 2023-04-24
cv_笔记 Week 1lecture 2Image representation Image function Landscape Array of pixels Image histogram Image transformationsg (x,y) = f (x,y) + 20 g (x,y) = f (-x,y) Image ArithmeticAddition : I3( 2023-01-30
ux_review Introducing the User ExperienceHCIHuman-Computer Interaction 包含了这些学科: computer science, ergonomics, interface design, sociology and psychology. 从计算机科学的早期开始,从打卡机到QWERTY键盘的转变。从 “Doug Englebart “的鼠标和初级 2023-01-25
algorithm_review last section: Horn-SAT is PTime-complete SAT is NPTime-complete. by Cook’s st-Con is NLogSpace-complete. The problem QBF is PSpace-complete. LP-feasibility is in PTime. ILP is NPTime-hard. BEC 3-SAT 2023-01-04 #36111